If you’re a sales professional, there is NOTHING more important in your day than prospecting and Lead Generation. Make sure you work hard to RETAIN WHAT YOU OBTAIN!
If you work so hard to generate a new lead or deal, wouldn’t you work as equally hard to make sure that lead never leaves your ecosystem?
I’m a Mortgage Consultant, and in today’s housing market (March of 2021…and there is a very low level of housing inventory nationwide) it can be very discouraging and frustrating for homebuyers. Competition is fierce, and bids over asking price with escalation clauses are commonplace. And because of that, I still find it challenging to stay connected with my “future Clients” that I worked hard to obtain, largely because of how long it takes to get into escrow on a home purchase.
It’s almost (not quite) “easier” for me to generate a lead than it is to retain a lead I’ve generated due to the challenges of today’s housing market.
No matter what your product or service, make sure you have great follow up systems in place to stay connected and add value to your future Clients. Leverage your CRM by using the autoreponder and auto-text features there. Or create an “old school” touch calendar that has you contacting and staying in front of your future Client in a meaningful and scheduled way.
The old saying holds true: Out of sight, out of mind.
Don’t ever be out of mind.
Retain what you obtain.
~ Coach Eric
PS: Book recommendation for everything Lead Generation is “Lead Generate – 61 Days To Double Your Pay“